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About Our Farm

Wardland Farm, of about 400 acres, was purchased by Jessie C. Ward for his son, George, in 1859. It has remained in the Ward family ever since. The Federal Style brick home on the property was completed in 1813 and is on the National List of Historic Places. It served as a hospital during the Civil War.


Frank C Ward, the fourth owner, established a Commercial Angus Herd on the farm in 1924. It was not dispersed until 1978, maintaining on average of about 125 brood cows with calves yearly.

The farm was leased for 30 years for crop production by a neighbor. It was returned to the current sixth generation Ward family member, James W. Wallace in 2015.

The area of the Tygarts Valley has historically been noted for the grazing of cattle. In 2015, James W. Wallace of Ward Grass Cattle, successfully reestablished the pasture of the property. It now supports 350 to 400 head of yearling steers that currently average a daily gain of 2.75 to 3.00 lbs.  


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