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Angus is the most common breed of cattle in the United States. These cattle are polled, meaning they do not have horns. Males typically weigh between 1,050 to 1,800 pounds and females typically weigh between 850 to 1,300 pounds. 


The Angus breed of cattle is known for its ease of keeping. They are quiet, good-natured and calm. These cattle are generally healthy, and common bovine illnesses like eye cancer are rare. 

Angus cattle, and even Angus crosses, do very well and often thrive on forage-based production systems. The Tygart Valley is a very fertile area with soil that produces an abundance of grass. The pastures in our area are very lush and provide for more than adequate weight gain in the summer months. 


Our herd is a seasonal herd of feeder steer assembled every year in March. The herd consists mostly of yearling Angus and Angus based bloodline steer. We hand pick these steer from Virginia and West Virginia producers. Our goal is to assemble our herd from producers of superior genetics with an emphasis on weight gain and performance.


Our cattle are maintained on grass and mineral supplementation throughout the summer. By utilizing managed intensive rotational grazing, we insure that our herd always has ready access to needed nutrients, while allowing for the pastures to be naturally replenished.


The location of our farm also allows the cattle to have abundant access to natural water sources. 

We partner with an area veterinarian who advises us in the development, administration and ongoing maintenance of a strict, regimented health program. That health program is augmented by a custom blended mineral supplement complimentary to our forage established by an animal nutritionist. 






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